Start a New Episode

After purchasing an episode on StoryShop, you will receive an email with a link to get started. By purchasing this episode, you automatically become the “Showrunner” for the episode. Showrunner’s create, manage, edit, and share the episode.

Click the “Get Started” button to set up your episode in Orson.

Episode Setup Page Overview

Title: The name of your episode.

  • The Title is included in each email and reminder so people will know what they have been included in.

Casting: The people you want to interview in your episode.

  • Each episode has a maximum and minimum number of collaborators that can take part in the episode.

Deadline: The date when you want to episode to be ready.

  • Orson uses the deadline to automatically send out reminders to everyone involved.

Questions: On the right side of the screen, you’ll see the list of questions that the collaborators will be asked during their interview.

  • These questions will be shared with collaborators when you invite them to participate in the episode.

*Personalize: Some episodes will ask for custom text from you, this is used to generate custom graphics for your story.

Adding collaborators

To add your collaborators, click the blue “+” button in the “Casting” section and enter the first name and email for the individual and then click the button with the check mark. You’ll want to repeat this process for each person you add to the episode.

If you are participating in the episode, you can use the “Add Yourself” button.

After you’ve entered your episode details, click the “Send Invite” button to send interview invitations to your collaborators.

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