Manage Your Episode

After you’ve created a new episode, Orson will send you a link to track your episode.

The “Track Progress” button will open a page where you can monitor the status of your episode.

Next Steps

As collaborators complete their interviews and the episode assembly begins, this section will give you updates about where you are in the process and what comes next.


Orson will periodically send out reminders to collaborators who haven’t completed their interviews.

This schedule is set based on the deadline you entered during the episode setup. The dates will appear white after the reminder email has been sent to collaborators that have not completed their interview.

Cast & Crew

Each collaborator on your episode will be listed in the Cast & Crew table. If you are the Showrunner of the episode and a collaborator, your name will appear with a dark blue icon next to it.

Change an email

If you need to modify someone’s email, you can click the ‘edit’ link beside their email.

Enter the correct email and click the blue check box.

This will send an episode invite to the correct email address and disable the link sent to the previous email address.

Note: If you send an episode invitation to the wrong email address and that person tries to follow the link to interview, yu won’t be able to change the email address. If this happens and you need to remove that collaborator, please reach out to support@heyorson.comfor help.

Interview status

Incomplete- Not Started: The collaborator has not opened their interview invitation yet.

Incomplete- In Progress: The collaborator has started their interview but hasn’t finished it.

Complete: The collaborator has finished their interview.

Skipping collaborators

If you are approaching the deadline you’ve set for the episode, you’ll see a button at the bottom of this page that allows you to skip collaborators that have not yet participated. Please keep in mind that this action cannot be undone and your final video will not include clips from any collaborators that did not complete their interviews .

After you click the “Skip Outstanding Interviews” button, Orson will begin assembling your episode.

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